Monday, December 16, 2013

It had been about two years when I rejoined Saptari in 5th December 2013. Saptari District is one of the eastern Terai district of Nepal, which is food basket area of Nepal. Nevertheless, persistent drought since last four year has resulted this district as a food deficit district, in spite of its good soil and accessibility of other production inputs.  Saptari district is always at center of attraction in Nepal, either in case of administrative or political issues.  Some sort of disfunctioning of administrative works and low social development in last many years back , although repeatedly leaders from the districts are at ministerial position since long back are major considerable points in scenario of Saptari.

We were in crop assessment mission, which is operating twice a year by ministry of agricultural development in close collaboration with UN WFP and UN FAO. This time we had also worked together with IRRI and CYMMIT. 5th December Morning at 10.30 AM when we reached at District Agriculture Development Office, the gate of office was covered with bicycles and motorcycles of farmers. More than thirty people were there, in front open space of the office. As we step up to Senior Agriculture Development Officer (SADO) chamber, we could feel the numbers of farmer's were increasing and their noise was louder than earlier.

With greetings and short introduction with each other, we started our discussion on mission objectives. Meanwhile a group of farmers entered the office room of SADO. A louder voice was prominent there in Maithili Language, which I could understand partly of it. The issue was with wheat seed.  However, my browsing to language power and analysis could not understand the problem as clearly as I wanted. Then SADO tried his best to convince them.  I don't know how much they convinced, however, as a result of that, they left the chamber.

After they gone, SADO was telling us "National Seed Company had given the quota of 125 Mt wheat seed to Saptari District, however, no seed has been delivered to Saptari yet. The mode of distribution was through dealers of National Seed Company, for which 21 dealers were chosen in district." Now, I was asking myself if seed has not come yet, why farmers' are assembled there. Why so hue and cry at farmer's outside DADO office. Obviously, there was reason. SADO was continuing that one dealer was distributing 100 of Kg of seed to his nearby farmers, when DADO had given quota limit of 20 Kg per farmer.  This was because NSC had quota of 125 Mt of Seed for Saptari district (which is subsidized seed) whereas another 75 MT of unsubsidized seed was also given to dealer. Therefore, in spite of bringing and selling subsidized seed, they bought and sold the unsubsidized seed. Even the information about unsubsidized seed was not provided to DADO office. The 35% of price was subsidized in wheat seed resulting Rs 36.5 per Kg, whereas remaining 75 Mt had to be paid full price of the seed.

Further Consultation with Staffs at DADO office we had a very interesting but shocking fact came later on that Indian farmers are very attracted to wheat seed of NSC, which is NL 257 variety. This means that has resulted higher yield in India. Therefore they come to Nepali dealer and pay more than Nepalese farmers can pay resulting shortage of seed to Nepali farmers.  Thus, the blaming was also for those standing in front of DADO office. According to them, they will take subsidized seed in their name and own family members and sell it to Indian farmer's at higher rate. So that, they were like middle man intended to earn from seed transaction rather than farming.

That was really shocking news to us. I was asking myself "what the hell is going on? People are not having seed to plant here in Nepal and all of us are standing with excitement to take and deliver improved subsidized seed from government of Nepal to Indian farmers. "This shows what track our agriculture taking for and how we are going to revolutionize in our agriculture sector in Nepal.
Photo1 : Farmer writing their name with address to claim wheat seed from dealer in DADO Office Premises.
Photo 2 : Common Means of transportation- bicycle of farmer's in DADO Office open space, farmer's waiting seed

Sunday, November 10, 2013

आजभोलि नेपालमा सवै व्यस्त छन् । दैनिक प्रशाशनिक एवम् अन्य सरकारी कार्यहरु भने ठप्प प्राय छन् । सेवाग्राहि सेवा लिन आउन भ्याएका छैनन् । सरकारी संयन्त्र सेवाग्राहीलाई सेवा दिन सक्ने स्थितिमा छैनन् । किसान खेति भित्राउनमा व्यस्त, नेता र कार्यकर्ता चुनाव प्रचारमा व्यस्त अनि प्रशाशनिक संयन्त्र एवम् सुरक्षा निकायहरु चुनाव गराउनेमा व्यस्त । यस्तै व्यस्तता वीच चुनाव हुन्छ, हुन्न , भएमा कस्ले जित्छ भन्नेजस्ता वहसहरु सर्वत्र फैलिएको छ । अलग्गै पार्टिगत एजेन्डा समेत नभएका दलहररु तछाड मछाड गर्दै आचारसहिताको समेत ख्याल नगरी चुनावमा होमिएको देखेर हामी जस्ता नागरीकहरु उत्साहित हुनुपर्नेमा, त्यसो हुन सकिराखेको छैन । आखिर किन जनता निरुत्साहित भएत त्यस्को सजिलो जवाफ भनेको अघिल्लो संविधान सभाको निर्वाचन पछि हाम्रा राजनैतिक पार्टीहरुले देखाएको आचरण र उनीहरुको अकर्मण्डताले पुष्ठि गर्छ । अघिल्लो चुनाबमा भएजति जनसंख्या समेत सामेल हुन नसक्ने यस चुनाब प्रति को वितृष्णा ,राजनैतिक दलहरु प्रतिको घट्दो बिस्वासको प्रतिफल हो भन्ने  सबैले आकलन गरेको बिसयनै हो। 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

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Saturday, October 26, 2013

It would be little bit odd to say political parties are making lofty commitments for upcoming Constitutional Assembly (CA) election of Nepal, as elected Constitutional Assembly would primarily assigned for constitution making process. However, the commitments  from all political parties through their manifesto is encouraging to agriculture and related sector. All political parties have realized the importance of agriculture and proposed many attractive agricultural programs,  if they are elected in CA election. Very interestingly, all parties  seem to be honest as Nepali Congress  is more focused on Technical improvements, UCPN Maoist for farmers protection and CPN UML and MJF in between, as guided by their real political principles. I have tried here to include what their manifestos say for agricultural development, as such, for major four political parties of Nepal.
!= g] s kf Pdfn]
vfBfGgdf k"0f{ cfTdlge{/ x'Fb} vfB clwsf/sf] Uof/]G6L ul/g] 5 . vfBfGgsf]
cefjdf sf]xL klg JolQmsf] hLjg hf]lvddf kg{]5}g .
!= j}1flgs e"ld;'wf/ sf] dfWodaf6 hldgdfly ls;fgx¿sf] kx'Fr ;'lglZrt ug{] . pTkfbsTj j[l4 / hldgsf ] clwsflws k|of ]udfkm{t\ ;d[4 ;dfhsf]
hu a;fpg] . hldgnfO{ pkef] usf] cfwf/ df juL{s/0f u/L leGg leGg k|sf/ sf] k'hf{ ljt/0f ug{] / s[lif hldg cGo k|of] hgdf k|of]u x'g glbg] .
cg'kl:yt hldGbf/ / cfkm} >d gug{] JolQmnfO{ plrt d'cfAhf lbP/ v]tL ug{]{n] dfq}} s[lif hldg /fVg kfpg] Joj:yf ug{] .
@= s[lifsf] ;du| ;+/If0fsf nflu /fHon] ah]6 ljlgof]hg, cg'bfg, k"jf{wf/ lgdf{0f, aLdf, d"No Joj:yfkg / ahf/ cg'udg sfo{ ug{] .
#= s[lifsf] cfw'lgsLs/ 0f / Jofj;foLs/ 0fsf nflu /fHon] pRr s[lif
k|ljlwsf] k|of] u, pGgt aLp, ;'wfl/ Psf] kz' gZn / :j:ys/ kz' cfxf/
ljsf; ug]{ . /fHon] k|df0fLs/0f u/]sf] aLplahg tyf gZnaf6 afnL Pj+ kz'kG5L Joj;fodf xfgL ePdf /fHon] Ifltk"lt{ lbg] .
$= pTkfbsTj j[l4 / /fHo ;d]tsf] ;xeflutfdf ljt/0f k|0ffnL, d"No lgoGq0f / u'0f:t/ lgoGq0fsf] dfWodaf6 hgtfsf] vfB clwsf/ sf] Uof/]G6L ug]{ .
%= u|fdL0f k"jf{wf/sf] ljsf;, s[lifhGo ;fgf–demf}nf–7"nf pBf]ux¿sf] k|j4{g ug{ ] . s[lifahf/ ;"rgfsf ] Joj:yf ug{] . e08f/0f / k|zf]wgsf nflu ;fj{hlgs uf]bfd / sf]N8 :6f]/]hsf] Joj:yf ug]{ . larf}lnof Jofkf/L af6 x'g] Psflwsf/ tyf d'gfkmfvf] / L lgoGq0f ug{ ;xsf/LnfO{ ;fdflhs pQ/ bfloTj;lxtsf] ljt/ 0f k|0ffnLsf] cleGg cª\u agfpg] .
^= sDtLdf tLg rf y} fO hldgdf lgoldt l;+rfOsf ] Joj:yf ug{] . ;tx
l;+rfO, :ofnf] 6\o'aj] n tyf l8k af] l/ ªdfkm{t\ e"ldut hn pkof]u /
ax'p2]ZoLo l;+rfO of]hgf nfu" ug{] . k|fs[lts ;|f]t cefj /x]sf] :yfgdf yf]kf l+;rfOnfO{ k|efjsf/L agfpg] . gbL, vf]nfgfnf / au/n] cf]u6]sf] xhf/f} xS]6/ hldgnfO{ dT:okfng, hndfu{ nufot ax'p2]ZoLo k|o]fhgsf nflu ljsf; ug]{ .
&= ax'–p2]ZoLo jgk}bfj/sf] ;d]t k|of]u u/L k|fª\ufl/s dn k|of]usf] la:tf/ af6 hldgsf] pj{/ tf a9fpg] . dnvfbdf /x]sf] k/lg/e{/tf cGTo ug]{ .

@= Gf]kfnL sfu|];
s[lifdf cfl>t hg;+Vof xfnsf] ^* k|ltztaf6 cfufdL kfFr jif{ leqdf %% k|ltztdf emfl/g]5.
!= ;xsf/LnfO{ nf]stfGlqs cEof;, cfy{ls ;d[l4 / u/LjL lgjf/0fsf] dfWodsf] ?kdf ljsf; ul/g]5. s[lif If]qdf ;xsf/Lsf] cxd e"ldsfnfO{ lj:tf/ ul/g] 5. s[lif pTkfbg j[l4, s[lif pTkfbgsf] k|zf]wg tyf jhf/Ls/0f, u|fdL0f jrt kl/rfng tyf sh{f k|jfxdf ;xsf/Lsf] e"ldsf a9fOg] 5.
@= kmnkm"n, lrof, dx, b'w, cn}FrL, cb'jf, df;'h:tf ls;fgx?s} ;xsf/L :jfldTjdf /xg] k|zf]wg s]G›x? :yfkgf ug{ ;/sf/n] k"hLut cg'bfg lbg] 5.
#= u|fdL0f If]qdf s]G›Lo lu|8af6 laB't ljt/0f ug{ pkef]Qmfx?sf] ;xsf/Lx?nfO{ :yfgLo ljt/0f nfOg lgd{f0f ug{ k'FhLut cg'bfg ;xof]u ug{] lglt NofO{g] 5.
$= t/sf/L, kmnkm"n tyf kz'wgsf] yf]s ahf/ ;+rfng ug{ k|To]s gu/kflnsf If]qdf s[ifs k"a{fwf/ lgd{f0f ul/g]5. o;n] ls;fgx?sf] ;xsf/LnfO{ ;xof]u ug{]5.
%= s[lifsf] pTkfbg / pTkfbsTjdf clej[l4 u/L s[lifsf] JofjzfoLs/0f ub{} s[lifdfly cfo tyf /f]huf/Lsf nflu cfl>t hg;+Vof sd ug{' s[lif ljsf;sf] d"n /0fgLlt x'g]5.
^= s[lifnfO{ cfsif{s k]zfsf] ?kdf ljsf; ug{ s[lif–;xof]uL k"j{fwf/ ljsf;df ;/sf/sf] nufgL a9fOg] 5 / s[lif k|ljlwsf] ofGlqsLs/0f ug{ ;xof]u k'o{fsOg]5. s[lif k]zfdf lzlIft o'jfnfO{ cfsif{lt u/L Jojzflos s[lifdf hf]8 lbO{g] 5. s[lif If]qaf6 lj:yflkt x'g] hgzlQmnfO{ cGo pTkfbgzLn sfddf nfUg tfnLd tyf zLk clej[l4 sfo{qmd ;+rfng ul/g]5.
&= ;fj{hlgs, lghL, ;xsf/L ;fem]bf/Ldf cfufdL % jif{eLq Pp6f /f;folgs dn sf/vfgfsf] :yfkgf ul/g]5. k|f+ufl/s dnsf] cf}Bf]lus pTkfbgsf nflu ;xsf/L ;+:yf tyf lghL If]qnfO cg';Gwfg, k|ljlw tyf cfjZostf cg';f/ k'FhLut nufgLdf ;xof]u ul/g]5.
*= ljb]zdf >d zlQmsf] ?kdf sfo{ ug{ uPsf o'jfx? kms{]/ cfpbf zLk ;lxt cfpg] ePsf]n] To;sf] kmfObf p7fO b]zd} Joj;fo ug{] agfpg ;fgf ls;fg ljsf; a}+s / ;xsf/Lx? dfkm{t kxn ul/g] 5.
(= o'jfx?sf] j}b]lzs /f]huf/L k|ltsf] cfsif{0f s[lifIf]qdf >d zlQm cefj x'b} uPsf] ;Gbe{df ;fgf v]tL tyf o'jf d}qL oGqLs/0f pkof]udf hf]8 lbO k|ljwL pknAw u/fpg ;xlhs/0f ul/g] 5.
!)= s[lif pTkfbsTj j[l4 ug{ pGgt k|ljwL, pGgt lapaLhg, d]l;gsf] k|of]u, l;+rfO{, ahf/–:yn ljsf; / s[ifsx?nfO{ s[lif pTkfbg ahf/Ls/0f ug{ ;xof]u k'o{faOg] 5. s[lif pTkfbg jhf/Ls/0f ug{ k|To]s lhNnfdf afx|}df; rNg] s[lif ;8ssf] lgd{f0f cleofg rnfOg]5.
!!= k|fªufl/s v]ltnfO{ k|f]T;fxg ug{ ljleGg k|fljlws, cfy{ls, ahf/sf] kxF'r / cGo ;'ljwf lbO{g 5.
!@= Ps ufpF Ps pTkfbg tyf Ps lhNnf Ps ljz]if sfo{qmdnfO{ hf]8 lbO{ k|To]s lhNnfdf ljz]if vfnsf] s[lif k|;f/ ;]jf lj:tf/ ul/g]5.
!#= s[lif cg';Gwfgdf ;fa{hlgs nufgL a9fOg] 5 / lghL If]qnfO{ klg cg';Gwfgdf nfUg pTk|]l/t ug{ kl/0ffddf cfwfl/t cg'bfg lbOg] 5. g]kfnnfO{ pRr–kxf8L s[lif cg';Gwfgsf] cGt/fil6«o s]G›sf] ?kdf ljsf; ul/g]5.
!$= cfufdL kfFr jif{leqdf g]kfnnfO{ df;', df5f, b'Uw–kbfy{, kmnkm'n, dx, :ofp, Rofp, lrof, skmL, cb'jf, cn}FrL / t/sf/Lsf] v'b lgo{ft d'n'ssf] ?kdf pEofOg] 5.
!%= s[lif pTkfbgsf] lgo{ft k|jw{g ug{ u'0f:t/ k|df0fLs/0fsf nflu sf7df08f}, lj/f6gu/, lj/u+h, e}/xjf / g]kfnu+hdf cTofw'lgs k|of]uzfnf :yfkgf ul/g]5.
!^= pRr–kxf8L tyf lxdfnL If]qdf :ofp, sfutL abfd, cf]Vv/ v]lt, pmg / df;'sf nflu kz'kfng cleofgsf ?kdf ;+rfng ul/g]5.
!&= dWo–kxf8L If]qdf skmL, lrof, cn}+rL, ;'Gtnf k|hfltsf kmnkm'n, s]/fv]tL, cb'jf, lslj kmn / ds} tyf uxF' v]lt cleofgsf ?kdf ;+rfng ul/g]5.
!*= vfBfGg jfnLsf] pTkfbsTj jl4 ug{] / jfnL :ofxfg{]qmddf x'g] Iflt sd ug{sfnflu k|ljlw ljsf; tyf k|;f/df hf]8 lbO{g] 5.
!(= ;/sf/n] ls;fg ;fem]bf/Ldf k|lts'n df};d tyf Jofks /f]uJoflwsf] sf/0fn] x'g] s[lif pTkfbg Ifltsf] aLdf / kz'k+IfL kfng Joj;fosf] aLdf ul/g]5.
@)= e"–pkof]u P]gsf] k|efjsf/L sfo{fGjog ul/g], s[lif sfo{sf nflu tf]lsPsf] hldgdf cGo sfo{ ug{ lgif]w ub{} nlug] 5.
@!= g]kfnaf6 nf]k eO;s]sf t/ cGt/fil6«o hLg a}+sdf /x]sf g]kfnL :yfgLo afnLsf hftx? /fil6«o hLga}+sdf NofOg] 5.
@@= aLplahg e08f/0f ug{], k'gMk|of]u ug{], ;f6f;f6 ug{] / ljgf a|f08 a]rlavg ug{] nufotsf s[ifssf] clwsf/x?åf/f ;+/If0f ul/g] sfg"g NofOg] 5.
@#= cfg'j+lzs >f]tsf] Joj;flos pkof]udf :yfgLo s[ifs ;d'bfosf] xs :yflkt ul/g] sfg"g NofOg] 5.
@$=  j}1flgs e"ld ;'wf/sf nflu e"ldsf] k/Dk/fut k|of]usf k|rng, e"ld ;'wf/ cfof]usf k|ltj]bg, a;fO{;/fO{sf] k4lt / lj1 Pj+ s[ifssf] /fo ;NnfxnfO{ k|fyldstfdf /fvL s[lifdf e"–pkof]usf] gLlt cjnDag ul/g]5.
@%= g]kfnL sf+u|]; v]t–v]tdf l;+rfO{ k'o{fvpg] d"n Wo]osf ;fy xfnsf] afx|}df; l;+rfO{ x'g] s[lifof]Uo e"ldsf] #^ k|ltzt c+znfO{ a9fP/ cfufdL kf+r jif{eLqdf %) k|ltzt e"lddf jif{}e/L l;FrfO ;'lawf k'o{fpg k"j{fwf/ lgd{f0f ul/g]5.
@^= l;+rfO{ ;'lawf k'Ug g;Sg] elg a/{u{Ls/0f u/LPsf] gf}+ nfv x]S6/ hldgdf kflg ;+ro / lskmfotL pkof]us a}slNks cfw'lgs k|ljlw k|of]u u/L l;FrfO k'o{f0fpg ljz]if sfo{fGjog ;+oGq lgd{f0f ul/g]5.
@&= slDtdf b'O{ j6f cGt/ hnfwf/ hn :yfgfGt/0f cfof]hgfsf] k|fljlws cWoog ;DkGg u/L sfo{fGjog k|f/De ul/g]5 / t/fOsf] ;Dk"0f{ v]tLof]Uo hldgdf afx|}df; l;+rfO{ pknJw u/fpg] u'? of]hgf th{'df / sfo{fGjog ul/g]5. l;+rfO{ of]hgf sfo{fGjg ub{f hn pTkGg k|sf]k Go'lgs/0f k|ljlw ;+u–;+u} sfo{fGjog ul/g]5. g]kfne/L hnfwf/ ;+/If0fsf sfo{qmd ;+rfng ul/g]5. t/fO{sf] @) nfv x]S6/ hldg jfx|}df; l;+rfO{ Joj:yf ug{, glbdf t6jGwg ug{ / jg Joj:yfkg ug{ ljz]if k|fyldstfdf /fvL ;f]xL cg';f/ jh]6 tyf sfo{qmd th{"df ul/g]5.

#= Pg]skf dfcf]jfbL
!= pRr:t/Lo j}1flgs e"ld;'wf/ cfof]usf] k|ltj]bgnfO{ tbf?stfsf ;fy sfof{Gjog ul/g] 5 . s[lif If]qdf cem} afFsL /x]sf] ljljw ?ksf] ;fdGtL e"–:jfldTjsf] k"0f{?kn] cGTo ub}{ …hldg hf]Tg]sf]Ú l;4fGtsf cfwf/df qmflGtsf/L e"ld;'wf/ ;DkGg ul/g] 5 . xbjGbL eGbf j9L hldg d'Qm sd}of, xlnof, x?jf r?jf, ;'s'Djf;L / u/La ls;fgx?nfO{ lgMz'Ns ljt/0f ul/g]5 .
@= s[lifnfO{ g]kfnL cy{tGqsf] k|d'v cfwf/sf ?kdf u|x0f ub}{ o;sf] Aoj;foLs/0f / cfw'lgsLs/0fnfO{ s]Gb|df /fv]/ pko'Qm s[lif gLlt th'{df ul/g] 5 . k/Dk/fut lgjf{xd'vL v]tL k|0fnLnfO{ lg?T;flxt ub}{ ;fgf ls;fgx?nfO{ ;xsf/Ldf ;+ul7t eP/ Aoj;flos v]tL ug{ k|f]T;flxt ul/g] 5 . hldgnfO{ dxTjk"0f{ pTkfbgsf] ;fwfgsf] ?kdf :yflkt ub{} afFemf] hldg /fVg aGb]h nufOg] 5 .
#= s[lif pTkfbgnfO{ k|lt:kwL{ jgfpg /fHon] ljz]if ;+/If0f / cg'bfgsf] Joj:yf ug]{ 5 . j}+s / ljQLo ;+:yfx?jf6 Aoj;foLs v]tL, kz'kfng, df5fkfng, kmnkm"n v]tLsf nflu @)Ü shf{ k|jfx ug'{ kg]{ Aoj:yf ul/g] 5 / (Ü eGbf a9Lsf] Aofh /sd cg'bfgsf] ?kdf ls;fgx?nfO{ pknAw u/fOg] 5 .
$= t'ngfTds Pj+ k|lt:kwf{Tds nfe ePsf ljlzi6, cg'kd tyf pRr d"No, yf]/} jhg / 33 sd cfotg ePsf s[lifhGo j:t'x?sf] Joj;foLs pTkfbg u/L lgof{t ug{ clek|]l/t ul/g] 5 .
%= ls;fgx?nfO{ /f;folgs dnsf] ;xh cfk"lt{ ug{ b]z leq} Pp6f /f;folgs dn sf/vfgf :yfkgf ug]{ sfo{nfO{ tLa|tf lbOg] 5 / s[lif cf}hf/ sf/vfgf ;+rfngdf NofOg] 5 . h}ljs / k|fª\ufl/s dnsf] k|of]unfO{ k|f]T;fxg ul/g] 5 .
^= s[lif pkhx?sf] jhf/ / e08f/0fsf] nflu s[lif ;8s / zLt e08f/x?sf] lgdf{0fdf ljz]if Wofg lbOg]5 . ls;fgx?nfO{ pgLx?sf pTkfbgsf] Go"gtd ;dy{g d"Nosf] Uof/]G6L ul/g] 5 . s[lif ljdf / kz' ljdf sfo{qmdnfO{ k|efjsf/L 9+un] nfu" ul/g] 5 .
&= s[lif k]zfnfO{ cfsif{s / dof{lbt agfO{ o'jfx?nfO{ o;k|lt cfslif{t ug{ s[lif k]zfaf6 cjsfz kZrft ;fdflhs ;'/Iffsf] Uof/]G6L ug{ ls;fg / /fHosf] ;+o'Qm of]ubfgaf6 …s[ifs k]G;g sf]ifÚ sf] Joj:yf ul/g] 5 .
*= s[lif k]zfdf k|ToIf ;+nUg ls;fgx?nfO{ …ls;fg kl/ro kqÚ sf] Aoj:yf ul/g] 5, h;sf] cfwf/df pgLx?n] cfkm\gf juL{o k|ltlglwTj / /fHo4f/f k|bfg ul/g] ;]jf ;'ljwf k|fKt ug{ ;Sg]5g\ .
(=  e"ldxLg / u/Lj ls;fgn] hldg lsGg rfx]df vl/b ug]{ hldgnfO{ lwtf] /fvL Go"g Aofhb/df !) aif{ ;Ddsf] nflu C0f lbg] Aoj:yf ul/g] 5 .
!)=  ls;fgx?nfO{ lgMz'Ns / ;j{;'ne k|fljlws ;]jf pknAw u/fOg] 5 . x/]s ufpFkflnsfdf ;fd'bflos s[lif ;]jf s]Gb| :yfkgf u/L jfnL k|fljlws / kz' k|fljlwssf] Aoj:yf ul/g] 5 .
!!= s[lif dhb"/x?sf] Go"gtd Hofnf tf]sL ;do ;dodf cWofjlws ul/g] 5 .

$= Dfw]lif hgclwsf/ kmf]/d
g]kfn s[lif k|wfg b]z xf] . v]tLof]Uo hdLgdWo] %) k|ltzt el"ddf l;rFfOsf]] ;e+fjgf eP tfklg jif]{gL !( k|ltzt ee"fudf dfq l;rFfOsf] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . *! k|ltzt e"efu cfsfz] kfgLsf] e/df lge{/ 5 . o;af6 s[lifsf] Go"g pTkfbsTj k|i6 ¿kdf b]lvG5 . dw]zdf l;FrfO{ / dnsf] oyf]lrt Joj:yf u/L cGgjfnL / gub]jfnLsf] pTkfbg a9fpg ahf/;d]tsf] Joj:yf u/]/ Jofj;flostfnfO{ k|fyldstf lbOg]5 . s[lif pTkfbg j[l4sf nflu æljz]if s[lif If]qx¿Æ sf] :yfkgf, e"ld Joj:yfkg, jif{e/L l;FrfO{sf] ;'ljwf, pGgt dnsf] Joj:yf, jLpljhgsf] pknAwtf, s[lifhGo pTkfbgsf] ahf/sf] dfu cg';f/sf] ljljlws/0f, s[lif cf}hf/sf] lgdf{0f Pj+ pknAwtf, s[lif aLdf, s[lifdf nfu]sf hgzlQmnfO{ cGo pwf]usf hgzlQm ;/xsf] kfl/>lds, nfutcg';f/ pTkfbg d"Nosf] ;'lglZrttf, ef}uf]lns ljz]iftf /x]sf, ljz]if tyf ljsf; ul/Psf …Ps ufp F Ps pTkfbgÚ h:tf sfoq{mdx¿nfO{ ax[t\ ?kdf nfu" ug,{] pRr d"Nosf s[lif pTkfbgnfO{ ljz]if ;x'lnotL ;'ljwf;lxt ahf/df k|j]z u/fpg], jgnfO{ s[lif jgsf] ?kdf ?kfGt/0f u/L Jofj;foLs/0f tyf lbuf] Joj:yfkgf ug,{] k/Dk/fut v]tLnfO{{ Jofj;flos -lrof, skmL, ki'k, kmnkmn" , df5fkfng, Rofpv]tL cflb_ v]tLdf ?kfGt/0f ug{ rfxg] s[ifsnfO{ cfjZos ;xofu] pknAw u/fpg] Joj:yf ug{{ xfdL sl6a4 5f+} . el"dsf] pTkfbsTj j[l4sf] nflu JolQmut e":jfldTjnfO{ kl/jt{g u/L ;xsf/L÷;fd"lxs÷/fHodf e:"jfldTj /fvL el"dnfO{ rsnfjGbL ug'sf] ;fy} oflGqs ljlwnfO{{ ;dt] jx[t\ kl/rfngdf NofO{ xl/t sl[if qmflGtÚ ugk'{b5{ . 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

International Food Policy Research Institute ( IFPRI) has recently published Global Hunger Index 2013.Nepal Comes under category of serious with score of 17.3. Off-course  its not a satisfactory level, however, the achievement from past is at a good trend. GHI was 28.0 in 1990 (i.e. at alarming stage) ,27.3 in 1995, 25.3 in 2000, 22.3 in 2005, which has come down to 17.3 ( serious stage) in 2013. Nepal Ranks 49 in countries having GHI higher than 5, at the same time our neighboring countries China (GHI=5.5) , India( 21.3) , Srilanka (15.6) , Bangaladesh (19.4) and Pakisthan (19.3) rank 5, 63, 43,58 and 57 respectively among countries having GHI higher than 5.

Global Hunger Index =
[Undernourished Population(%)+Underwight Children below five(%)+Children dying before five(%)] / 3

Range of GHI
<= 4.9 = Low
5-9.9 = Moderate
10-19.9 = Serious
20-29.9 = Alarming
>= 30  = Extremely Alarming

Saturday, October 5, 2013

According to UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimated global food loss and wastage is at 1.3 billion tonnes a year. Whereas, very few and only a part of post harvest loss are found to have analysed or studied in Nepal. IRIN news highlights that, the amount of food wasted is shared almost equally between industrialized and developing countries. But while developing country losses are largely the result of pests, diseases, poor storage and inadequate transport for agricultural produce, in richer countries, perfectly edible food is rejected by retailers or thrown away as household waste.

In Developing Countries like Nepal, Agriculture sector is doing good, however, we are importing more food and we are demanding more food aid. The creeping rate of agricultural growth never can meet the running rate of food demand, if we let it go as such. There are hundreds of improvements we need and thousands of techniques in front, but,  one of the easiest remedy lies on  Management of losses, which we are ignoring till the date.  Three types of losses, field level loss ( at growing stage), Post harvest loss ( at harvesting to storage)and consumption level loss ( at food preparation to consumption) if managed properly, large amount of food can be saved from loss, ultimately for our sufficiency in food. Food waste at production level is due to inadequacy in available resources, technologies and investment whereas waste at consumption level is due to people's affordability to waste the food.

According to the Post Harvest Management Directorate of Nepal, post harvest studies conducted in Nepal shows, there is a loss of 25 percent in vegetables, 20 percent in fruits and 32 percent in potatoes and its seeds. So, we have lot of scope to reduce the amount of food departing without consumption. If this amount could be reduced by a  extent , we don't  need to import food or get food aid from other countries or donors. To save is equal to Produce.  Therefore, WASTE NOT, WANT NOT.

Friday, September 6, 2013

This is My Poem ( Title: Agriculture Development in Nepal) , which won  third Prize in a Competition organized on the occasion of 10th Civil Service Day of Nepal ( 06 Sep 2013).

Gf]kfnsf] s[lif ljsf;

Tf[ltof+z u|fx:y pTkfbg
b'O{ ltxfO{sf] /f]huf/L
of]ubfg a'emf} s[lifsf]
cGTo u/f} ef]sd/L .

s'kf]if0fn] cfs|fGt k|ltWjlg
gu'lGhpg st} klg
k|tfl8t hgdfg;n] geg'g\
vfB ;Dk|'etf v} elg .

l:y/ pTkfbgsf] Wo]o x}g
nfuf} pTkfbsTj j[lWbdf
dn, jLp,k|ljlw / k|zf]wgn]

pT;fx ykf} s[lifsd{df .

l;+rfO{, cf}hf/, ;+/If0f / jhf/
cfwf/ x'g s[lif ljsf;sf]
pGgt v]tL kz'kfng u/L
cfDbfgL j9f];\ ls;fgsf] .

s[ifs s]lGb|t xf]; xfd|f] sfo{
s[lifs/ 5'6 u/f} cj
;xh  C0f pknJwtf ;+u}
u/f} kz'jfnL jLdf tj .

cg'';Gwfgdf xf]; ljz]if hf]8
lzIffn] hgzlSt ljsf;df 
pRr d'Nosf] :t/Lo pkh\ xf];\
ljZj Jofkf/ dfkb08df .

Joj;flos/0f u/f} s[lifsf],
k'jf{wf/ ;d]t v8f u/L
ljleb cg'j[lQ k|bfg ;+u}
pTkfbg nfut sd u/L .

hg:jf:ysf] u/f} Vofn
lg?T;flxt u/f} ljiffbLnfO{,
k|lt:yfkg xf];\ cfoftsf]
k|lt:klw{ pTkfbg j9fO{ .

k|s[lt cfwf/ xf] s[lifsf]
;+/If0f u/f}+ …hÚx?nfO{,
e"–pkof]u xf];\ j}1flgs 9+un]
pj{/ /fvf} hdLgnfO{ .

hf]ufcf}+ h}ljs ljljlws/0f
st{Jo 7fgL ;j}sf]
bLuf] s[lifsf] nflu x6fcf+}
c;/ hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf] .

;+:yf / dfgj ;+;fwgsf]
;'wf/]/ cfjZos hu
;xeflutf / ;dfj]lzs/0fn]
Psh'6 kf/f} ;a hg .

lghL, ;/sf/L / ;xsf/L
cfjZos ;j}sf] kxn
nufgLn] ;'w|G5 s[lif
cy{tGq x'G5 ;jn .

jfw]df lo cjojx?nfO{
gLlt, sfo{ / sfg'gdf
bLuf] vfB;'/Iff ;+u}
s[lif ljsf; x'G5 /fi6«df .

;|i6f M ab|L vgfn

Monday, August 19, 2013

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Agriculture Development Strategy ( ADS) is 20 years long term plan for Agricultural Sector of Nepal. Its a successive plan of Agriculture Prospective Plan ( APP) and will enacted after termination of APP in 2015. Ministry of Agricultural Development (MoAD) has released the final draft of Agriculture Development Strategy ( ADS) on 13 August 2013. The prime objective of its release is for final feedback collection. It's been shared through MoAD website just for 15 days. Many issues are raised at different forum and media regarding the ADS. So, it would be the final opportunity to those who are not satisfied with the report.An advisory body in chairmanship of Secretary of ministry and a technical working group in chairmanship of joint-secretary of ministry has been formulated  to collect those feedback, action then after and give final shape of report for endorsement. If you got any feedback, please send your written feedback to one of the following addresses no later than 26 August, 2013.
Fax:  01-4211935
For detail draft report, please follow the following Link.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The composition of National Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National product (GNP) is changing year after year. Contribution of new sector like remittance (which now contributes around 20 percent of national Income) is increasing at increasing rate whereas the share of sector like agriculture is decreasing at  almost constant rate. About three decade's ago( In 1980 ) the contribution of Agriculture sector was about 62 percent of total national GDP. But this has come down to around 33 percent now. However, many people  have misunderstood it due to their wrong interpretation like they perceive,contribution from agriculture has decreased in quantitative term. Actually, the value of Agricultural GDP has increased by many folds compared to 1980s.
The agriculture GDP  is summation of many sub-sectors of agriculture, major being Cereals, Vegetables, Fruits and Animal products. The share of these every sub-sector is changing compared to earlier, which  signifies in one hand, changed food habit  and in another hand, driving effect of agricultural market economy.
The last two three decades were the most changing decade in Nepal's overall economic as well as agricultural development. New development prospective of open market economy, democratic government, intervention of technologies and most importantly improvement in people's know how are the major factors for overall change in agriculture sector. The effect of this change is also visible in share of different sectors in AGDP contribution.
The cereals are the most important food crop in Nepal. Crop like Paddy, Wheat and Maize almost contributes one third of Agricultural GDP. However, the share of cereals and other crops has decreased by 5.13 percent compared to year 2001/02. Among many reasons for this, two attributable factors would be decreased production of Paddy (-11.3%) and Maize (-3.6%) in year 2012/13 and increased production of other crops like vegetables and fruits during this time frame.The major decrease is found in case of paddy whose share was 20.75 percent at 2001/02 and has come down to 15.64 in year 2012/13. Other crops remain almost same but the  contribution of potato is example of increasing share where change is by 1.87 percent more.
The vegetable and fruits production has remained a example of excessive growth in this time frame.  The self-dependency of vegetables is said to be reached more than 90 percent in Nepal which was less than 50 percent two decade ago. The share of vegetables in AGDP has increased from 9.71 in 2001/02 to 13.54 in 2012/13. The same pattern is found in fruits production where the share has increased excessively by 6.45 percent reaching 13.49 in 2012/13.
Despite introduction of high yielding breeds of cattle and buffalo the Dairy sector along with goat's contribution is found to have decreased by 0.75 percent reaching 22.50 percent in year 2012/13. But in case of other animals, mostly poultry and pig , the share has increased from 2.43 in 2001/02 to 3.28 in 2012/13, the major driving factor being poultry meat production.
Thus, the share of different sub-sectors in agriculture is changing. This is contributed by many agriculture, national economy and consumer related factors. This has to be scrutinized seriously, so that agricultural development policies and plans would be effectively designed.
Share of Commodities to Agri GDP  (%)and percent change in quantity in Nepal

New weight
Cereals and other crop
Barley/naked barley
Total vegetables and Nursery
Fruits and spices
Domestic Animals and Dairy
Buffalo meat
Other Animal Farming
Pig meat
Poultry meat
Hides and Skin
Overall Index

About The Blogger

About The Blogger
Badri Khanal is An Agriculture Economist from Nepal
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