Ensuring Food Security is ultimate aim of any agricultural system. But, Food Security should not compromise the food sovereignty. These two terms Food Security and Sovereignty looks like identical, even some people use as synonyms, however has great differences. Food security in one hand is a technical concept , whereas sovereignty is political.
As according to World
Food Summit (October 1996) ,Food security exists when all people, at all times,
have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to
meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.”
It has four pillars or dimensions : Food availability, Food Access, Food
Utilization and Stability.
Similarly, Food sovereignty
is the right of each nation to maintain and develop its own capacity to produce
its basic foods respecting cultural and productive diversity. We have the right
to produce our own food in our own territory. Food sovereignty is a
precondition to genuine food security." - (Via Campesina, 1996: 1).
It comprises four priority areas(pillars): the right to
food; access to productive resources; mainstreaming of
agro-ecological production; and trade and local markets.
Economic and political
structure has lot to do with overall development framework of nation.
Agriculture development is not an exception. The objective of any agricultural
program is food security. Food security of individuals, households,
communities, regions and nation as a whole. Then, does food security means
agricultural development? no off-course not. Because food security aims to
fulfill the food and dietary need of people from any sources available, it does
not emphasis on own production and sustainability, whereas sovereignty does so.
Then least developed and developing countries has to be awake and keep in mind,
food security if does not ensure food sovereignty should not be only aim of the
national agriculture.
Lot of controversies and
debates are there to establish their own verse among advocates of food security
and food sovereignty. Country like Nepal is never part of such
discussion. We are actually follower of power. Who virtually wins and
establishes the own definition, Nepal would be the supporter of them.
The debate on either food
security or sovereignty is not new, however the sprouting of the sovereignty
concept took place after establishment of Via Campesina in 1992 by
international Farming and Peasant Movement. The advocacy for food security is
doing through concept of World Trade Organization (WTO) and Food and
Agriculture Organization of United Nation's (FAO). Whereas, International Planning
Committee for Food Sovereignity( IPC) comprising of NGO's and social
movements, is advocating for food sovereignty.
Now it's a time to think of
these things seriously, either Nepal would prefer to be a food secure country
at any cost or maintain food sovereignty. Interim constitution of Nepal 2007
has stated food sovereignty as liability of nation. In contrast to this,
relevant ministries and agencies are wholeheartedly working for food
security at any cost. If government is not serious at this time, culture of
food dependency, which is promoting nowadays would increase more in days to
come, making nation food insecure chronically.
FAO itself has questioned
on maintaining food security through liberalized economy. It means
the culture of economic rationalism is questionable on its sustainability,
rather we need green rationalism, which is only possible from food
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