Thursday, March 27, 2014

Food Security and Food Sovereignty is differentiated here-under using basic high school method . Yes, simple differentiation from this method is never complete and can't depict the concept clearly. Nevertheless, it is useful for initial learning. I have taken help of many literature's to conclude this. Therefore, my sincere thanks goes to those who worked seriously in this...

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Ensuring Food Security is ultimate aim of any agricultural system. But, Food Security should not compromise the food sovereignty. These two terms Food Security and Sovereignty looks like identical, even some people use as synonyms, however has great differences. Food security  in one hand is a technical concept , whereas sovereignty is political.  As according...

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Nepal is one of the least developed nation. Agriculture is  means of  livelihood for the majority of the people, as two third of the people's main profession is agriculture. However, status of  food security  is not at satisfactory level in Nepal. Latest Agriculture Sample Survey claims 60 percent of the farmer's have insufficient food to fulfill their family need from their own production. Therefore, huge number of...
Karnali region always remains in center of discussion with respect to development, food security and livelihood status of people in Nepal. May be due to such reasons, every-time I visit to Karnali it comes with some sort of  new impression. Access to Karnali is not so easy, only three out of five district got road network connected to national road system; still Humla and Dolpa are deprived off road network.  My visit to two of the Karnali...

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Badri Khanal is An Agriculture Economist from Nepal
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