Monday, January 12, 2015

var docstoc_docid='173343498'; var docstoc_title='Agribusiness_and_Agro_ Entrepreneurship_Policies_in_Nepal_badri_khanal.pdf'; var docstoc_urltitle='Agribusiness_and_Agro_ Entrepreneurship_Policies_in_Nepal_badri_khanal.pdf'...

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Policy and plans are foundation of development. No stones should be upturned while developing and implementing those. Nevertheless, these are outcome of very few consultations and are garden variety of like minded bunches of people.  This has created many flaws in our policy and credibility of policy making process has severely questioned. Agriculture also is not an exception. We are receptive. Yes, we should, to gain a level which we are...

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Badri Khanal is An Agriculture Economist from Nepal
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