Saturday, August 9, 2014

Food Security is a cross-cutting issue. Due to it's multidimensional nature, the precise measurement of it's status takes much effort. There are many initiative to measure the food security in Nepal. NeKSAP is one of the established food security monitoring system with it's wider area of coverage. Nepal Khadya Surakchya AnugamanPranali ( NeKSAP) is an Integrated Food...

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

{ Image from :Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 15, 2012 — The People's Coalition on Food Sovereignty (PCFS) } Interim Constitution of Nepal has placed food Sovereignty as fundamental right of people and supposed to be legislated in upcoming constitution. Nevertheless, many obstacles in policy and implementation  are discernible to establish food sovereignty in...

Monday, August 4, 2014

(Logo from ) Recent veto from India on Trade Facilitation Agreement ( TFA ), has created a debate over future of World Trade Organization (WTO).  General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT ), the parent of WTO was formed in 1948 and WTO was instituted amalgamating 26 pre-existing agreements in 1995. No new agreement has been signed by any members...

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About The Blogger
Badri Khanal is An Agriculture Economist from Nepal
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