Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"या देवी सर्व भुतेसू शक्ति रूपेण संस्थिता l नामेस्तास्याई ll नामेस्तास्याई ll नामेस्तास्याई ll नमो नम...
1.Human development index=HDI value =0.553, Rank in world=145 2.Human poverty index=HPI value=32.1, rank in world=99 3.Gender related development index=GDI as % HDI=98.4%, rank in world=112 4.Gender empowerment measure=GEM value=0.485, rank in world=83 Source: Human Development Report,2009, UNDP...
Population engaged in agriculture = 65.5 % GDP contribution by agriculture = 35.55 % Every year government announces the budget speech and  Newspapers write in their front page as “Government announces the budget Speech Focusing on Agriculture Sector. “  Can the budget share of agriculture verify it? Share of Agricultural Budget in National Budget ( in % age ) Year /Percentage 1997/98 =3.37 1998/99 =3.69 1999/00 =4.28 2000/01=3.93 2001/02=2.50 2002/03=2.75 2003/04=2.41 2004/05...

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About The Blogger
Badri Khanal is An Agriculture Economist from Nepal
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